Features of penis enlargement surgery

After trying everything: from pills and creams to extreme NUP, men who are unhappy with the size of their genitals decide that penis enlargement surgery is the only possible solution.We will consider all types of surgical intervention in the male intimate area, find out approximate prices and clinics that perform such surgeries.penis enlargement surgeryMen are divided into several categories:
  • Of average size, perfectly suitable for him and his partner;
  • Available in normal medium or large sizes but want a larger size;
  • Have a small penis and want to enlarge it (remember that the lower limit of normal length for an erect penis is considered to be 7 cm);
  • Injury or disease to the penis can have consequences.
Surgical enlargement of the penis is performed both for medical reasons and to cosmetically correct appearance
  • 3 Indications for surgery
  • 4 possible complications
  • 5 restore
  • 6 Which clinics offer enhanced services?
  • 7 How much does the surgery cost?
  • 8 Postoperative Comments


To undergo penis enlargement surgery, a man's desire alone is not enough. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a urologist or andrologist, during which a judgment can be made about the size and shape of the penis.An abnormality associated with insufficient organ length is called micropenis. It occurs due to a lack of pituitary hormones. When assessing penis parameters, its dimensions in the erect state are taken into account.Other signs include:
  • Congenital lesions of the penile structure;
  • dysfunction in the context of intractable fibrosis;
  • organ damage;
  • The length of the erect penis is less than 12 cm;
  • inability to have sex;
  • Peyronie's disease or pathological curvature of the penis.
structure of reproductive organs

Male bias: the main reason for body dissatisfaction

The desire to improve penile parameters is 90% related to dissatisfaction with intimacy. For example, if a man is told that the size of his penis directly determines his sexual performance. Regular comparison of the organ or the partner's dissatisfaction with her intimacy will prompt improvements in penile parameters. Furthermore, women associate factor 2 with smaller penis size in men, which does not always lead to poor sex life.What doctors say about penis enlargement:As a doctor, I tell you that there are a large number of men in our country who are unhappy with the size of their penis. This is a sensitive issue and not usually discussed publicly, but I come across this complaint all the time.In general, various penis enlargement exercises have been around for a long time, but, alas, they require a lot of time and, strangely enough, they don't work. There is a more radical solution - surgical intervention, but surgery costs a lot of money and not everyone decides to take such a step. Penile prosthesis for penis enlargement

penile prosthesis

The results of penis enlargement surgery using implants depend on the type of implant used. Extending the penis using this method is considered difficult.Rigid prostheses are used in rare cases. Most commonly, an inflatable or plastic implant is inserted. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The prosthesis is inserted through an incision in the cavernous area.Implants are made from different materials but are always hypoallergenic.This type of surgery is performed only for medical reasons, when poor penile development is accompanied by sexual dysfunction. The cost of this type of penis enlargement surgery depends on the materials used, the complexity of the pathology, and other factors. Penile implants are not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications for surgery

Specialists will not invasively enlarge the reproductive organs if the patient:
  1. Hypocoagulability.
  2. Neoplasmic processes in the genitourinary system.
  3. Heart dysfunction.
  4. Hypersensitivity to all substances used for anesthesia.
  5. Bronchial Asthma.
  6. diabetes.
Other contraindications – presence of severe mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy); tendency to form gelatinous scars; suppuration in the groin area.


The surgery begins with an injection of anesthetic. For ligamentotomy, general or spinal anesthesia is used. The next step is to cross and suspend the penile ligaments, which are located deep in the pelvis and hold the organ in place.The process of penis enlargement works by releasing the inside of this ligament. After exposing the hidden part of the penis, suture the wound.The ideal amplification effect is not achieved immediately, but takes a period of time to achieve. Activities using extenders during recovery can facilitate this process.Ligamentotomy for Penile Enlargement

Existing methods

There are many ways to enlarge your penis, but most are non-surgical options.Review of Penis Enlargement TechniquesThe surgery is divided into several areas: lengthening or thickening.Penis enlargement surgery:
  • Ligamentotomy;
  • Penile prosthesis.
Surgery to make the penis thicker includes:
  • fat filling;
  • Introduction to polymer materials;
  • Muscle transplantation;
  • Hyaluronic acid injections.
Fat filling promotes penis growth

fat filling

The surgery begins with the patient under general anesthesia. Initially, biological material is collected from areas where it is most abundant. The resulting material is then subjected to a purification process. The next step is to use a special needle to insert it into the reproductive organ. Thoroughly disinfect the injection site with an antiseptic. Apply a sterile bandage to the reproductive organs. The entire process lasts no more than an hour in total.The main advantage of lipofilling is the use of your own biological material. The use of artificial implants may cause allergic reactions to foreign objects.After selecting the appropriate option, the men calmly continue their search for a medical facility.Not only do they look at prices, they also look at reviews about the organizations and experts they are contacting.Surgery is not always the right approachThey use it as a last resort!If your penis exceeds 8 cm, we recommend considering options for stretching the organ tissue:
  • extender or stretcher;
  • Suspension load;
  • exercise or sport;
  • massage;
  • Vacuum pump.
for resultsWe recommend combining the above methods with the use of ointments, creams, gels or sprays, supplemented with foods and herbs that promote penis growth.

Hyaluronic acid injection

Hyaluronic acid is widely used not only in the field of beauty, but also in the field of plastic surgery. The process is quick and hassle-free. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the penis. On average, the effects last for a year.Hyaluronic acid injectionInjections should only be given by a specialist; you cannot self-medicate!

Which doctor should I contact?

If the decision to surgically enlarge the penis is well thought out, hard won, and there is no turning back, then the patient will turn toGo to plastic surgery clinic.Large clinics offer cosmetic surgery or private plastic surgery. First, you need to meet with your doctor for an initialThe consultation fee is not very expensive.If the doctor finds your argument persuasive, he or she will recommend you toInspection and testing, which, by the way, you have to pay for.Tests that need to be completed (there are quite a few of them, so allow some free time to complete them all):
  • General blood analysis;
  • coagulation test;
  • General urinalysis;
  • Blood type and Rh factor analysis;
  • Test for HIV infection, hepatitis B and C;
  • RW blood test;
  • Electrocardiogram.
In addition to a surgeon, you will also needConsultUrologist and Andrologist.After the plastic surgeon receives the test results, he or she will make ain conclusionRegarding whether there are any contraindications. Then they do plastic penis enlargement or not.

Preparation Phase

Before surgery, you will need to complete preparation procedures. They help avoid adverse reactions in the body and select the most appropriate intervention.The preparation phase includes the following diagnostic procedures:
  • Doppler ultrasound;
  • General clinical blood tests;
  • Research to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood chemistry;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Inspection by a narrow range of experts.
In addition, studies are ongoing to rule out the possibility of allergic reactions to anesthetics and subcutaneous implant materials. They will help avoid unexpected complications during surgery.Men should limit fluid intake 2 days before their appointment date. It is also recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Recovery period: doctor’s advice

For tissue repair after surgery, there are the following contraindications:
  • Lift heavy objects (this may cause bleeding and ruptured sutures).
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking (intoxication of the body after anesthesia leads to various complications).
  • Eat greasy food. Eat a light diet to avoid overburdening the intestines, which can aggravate wound pain due to constipation.
  • Super cool. After surgery, immunity will be reduced. Therefore, exposure to drafts and cold temperatures may cause illness.
Immediately after surgery, a catheter is installed in the patient's urethra (through which urine is released). While patients are in the department, their care (cleaning, disinfection) is provided by staff. On discharge, the urinary catheter was removed and the man urinates on his own. At home, patients need to perform private hygiene after each use of the toilet. This will avoid infection of the surgical organ.

postoperative period

After a ligament incision, the patient is hospitalized for 24 hours. The task of the doctor is to explain how to use an extender that helps increase the parameters of the penis. The device was worn for 2 hours per day. The wearing time will increase in the future.Antibiotics and painkillers are required during the postoperative period. To speed up the healing of the sutures, physical activity and sexual contact should be avoided.It usually takes up to 3 weeks for the organs to fully recover. Also make sure your vagina is clean. It is important to avoid wearing tight underwear. Squeezing the genitals can cause the seams to diverge.Operating proceduresThe undoubted advantage of surgery is the long-term results – literally until the end of life, whereas treatment requires constant repetition of the course of treatment, with the effects of surgical intervention becoming less impressive over time.Due to the difficulty of penile prosthesis surgery, the postoperative time is long. The patient will be placed on bed rest for 2 days after surgery. Short walks and independent activities around the hospital are then allowed.After 10 days, physical activity increased. The total recovery period is 1 month. Consult your doctor before surgery


The recovery period after phalloplasty is the longest. The length of hospitalization reached 2 weeks. Physical activity and sexual life were restricted for 2 months. This also applies to lipofilling. The remaining interventions allowed sexual activity after two weeks.
  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections - Limit visits to saunas and hot baths.
  • Ligamentotomy requires wearing an extender.
  • Moderate pain can be relieved by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

possible complications

Any type of surgery carries certain risks. This surgery may cause complications.These include the following:
  • scarring;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • Bleeding from the suture area;
  • thrombosis;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Nervous disorders due to past experiences;
  • Wound infection;
  • Decreased sensitivity of reproductive organs.
Correct operation ensures that there are no scars and scars on the reproductive organs. In this case, erectile function is not suppressed. Difficulties can arise if the surgery is not performed well.

Indications for penis enlargement surgery

Experts identify the following indications for penis enlargement:
  1. Micropenis syndrome.
  2. Curvature of reproductive organs.
  3. Desire to improve sexual performance.
  4. Need to increase self-confidence (if a man is unable to satisfy his partner due to small penis size).
If the reproductive organs are deformed due to injury, surgical enlargement will help get rid of this problem. Surgical intervention is also available for men who have smaller penis size due to hormonal problems and diabetes.Contraindications for penis enlargement surgeryBe careful! Most penis enlargement exercises are dangerous for men because. . . Various types of sprains can have an extremely negative impact on potency.Penis enlargement surgery results

How much does the surgery cost?

You can find out how much penis enlargement surgery costs at the medical facility of your choice. Pricing policy depends on the reputation of the clinic and the qualifications of the surgeon. The type of surgical intervention is also important.You should pay attention to the following data:
  1. The cost of penis enlargement surgery with penile prosthesis ranges from 180 to 250 thousand rubles.
  2. The price of ligamentotomy is 12-85 thousand rubles.
  3. When using implants, the final cost depends on the material. The cost of the operation is 400, 000 to 280, 000 rubles.
  4. Muscle transplantation will cost 1. 5-25 million rubles.
The surgery is performed not only in private clinics but also in public health facilities.How much bigger can your penis get

How to choose a surgery clinic?

The most important criterion for choosing a clinic is the qualifications of the surgeonChoose a surgery clinicFirst of all, when choosing a plastic surgery clinic, in addition to paying attention to the qualifications of the surgeon, the conditions and environment are also important. Without good medical equipment, even with experience and professional skills, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired results. Clinic selection is also influenced by the availability of critical care equipment.

Key criteria to pay attention to

Operating licenses and permits are required. The document states:
  • Clinic name.
  • Legal address.
  • The status of medical facilities.
  • National certification.
  • State-issued signature and seal.
The success of the surgery depends largely on the technical equipment. Once you know what equipment the clinic has, it is important not to forget to check the availability of resuscitation equipment for providing emergency care.A friendly environment in the clinic is important. It is important for patients to feel comfortable intuitively. Teams of experts must inspire confidence in the consistency of their work.Preoperative examinations and postoperative observations were performed directly by clinic staff.The agreement drafted between the clinic and the patient must clearly define the responsibilities of both parties and the scope of liability for actions taken.It's great to hear from people who have used the clinic's services. Find out how their ligament surgery went. Patient reviews often play a decisive role.If there is at least a little doubt, it is worth looking for another clinic with a more reliable reputation.

Alternative extension methods

Lagotomy is not the only surgical method for increasing the length of the penis. There are some alternatives.


The essence of the surgery is to create a contractile skin defect in the pubic area (above the base of the penis). First, a V-shaped incision is made and sutured into a Y shape. During the surgery, the sling and suspensory ligaments are severed. As a result, the penis becomes visually larger because it is higher than the scrotum.Complications such as suppuration, rough scarring, and folds may occur. And, in the long run, the latter may show up.

Perovich method

The method is named after Professor Sava V. Perovic who developed it. During the operation, the penis is actually dismembered into several parts: the head is cut away from the thickness of the corpus cavernosum and spongy tissue, and the neurovascular bundles are mobilized. Particles of cartilage or synthetic material are then implanted into the space created between the head and the porous body.Due to the stretching of the nerves and corpus cavernosum, the length of the penis increases by 2. 5-5 cm.As for complications, scar tissue formation and hypermobility of the head (granulomas) may occur. The implanted cartilage gradually dissolves, so the initial results worsen. Synthetic implants can fail.

Operation Sheplev

The essence of the surgery is to introduce a longer implant into the corpus cavernosum than the tunica albuginea allows. In order to stretch it, several incisions were made in it.Traditional penile prosthesis can only ensure the hardness of the penis, but through Sheplev surgery, the length of the penis was extended by about 2 cm.. The implant was installed through a circular incision 10 mm distal to the coronal sulcus.When installing, use a prosthesis that is longer in length but smaller in diameter. Therefore, their surface is covered with spongy tissue, which significantly speeds up healing.

What happens during surgery?

A man who decides to alter his most private parts will make an appointment at a suitable clinic and have his private parts tidied up. Read more about shaving your private areas here.His first concern was how much bigger his penis would get. Regarding this situation, the doctor saidCan be extended up to 5 cm. The second most popular question is whether it will get wider. The size of the new, improved male organ will depend on the type of surgery performed.

How is reproductive organ surgery performed?

If your doctor is an experienced and licensed reproductive surgeon, the main phase will last no more than 30-35 minutes.Operation stageIt looks like this:
  • The patient receives general anesthesia;
  • The entire genital area, while the stomach and legs were extensively disinfected with iodine;
  • The doctor calmly cuts into the penis with a scalpel;
  • The incision is made in the scrotum precisely along the linea obscura (natural midline suture line). If you twist the penis, you can see it with the naked eye. By the way, after healing, the scar will be hidden along the line and will not be visible even on close inspection;
  • The corpora cavernosa moves to one side—that's how doctors find their way to the periosteum. The ligaments that connect the penis to the pubic bone are fixed in this position. The key is that about a third of the actual length is located here. These intestines were removed;
  • Your doctor will use the markings to assess the length of your penis. If all goes well, the incision is sutured. On average, the length increased by 3 cm.
The length of the penis at rest will remain the same after surgery. Don't expect everything to hang impressively.You will see the overall effect of your erection. Albuginea is the culprit behind this condition. It covers the body which is filled with blood during excitement.

Possible risks and side effects

Potential complications of surgical intervention:
  • bleeding. Consequences of large vessel injury (if symptoms develop during surgery) or heavy lifting (if symptoms occur during recovery).
  • Nerve damage during tissue dissection.
  • Formation of large scars (due to individual characteristics of the skin or careless work of the surgeon).
  • Hematoma (bleeding of varying severity).
  • Inflammation of surgical wounds (due to entry of pathogenic microflora into the wound).
The risks of unsuccessful penis enlargement surgery are impotence and erectile dysfunction.


How much does the surgery cost There is no clear limit to the cost of penis enlargement. This is because plastic surgery changes the parameters of thickness and length or has complex effects. Prices for programs vary. it depends:We advise you to read: Mandatory rules for communication with men
  • technical difficulty for the surgeon;
  • Clinic Policies;
  • Scope of work of experts;
  • Additional materials (implants, prosthetics).

Surgery type

Currently, there are many types of surgeries performed under general or local anesthesia. Some of them are harmless, while others require careful preparation and inspection.


Through this process, the length of the reproductive organ is lengthened, while its thickness remains unchanged.


This is a penis enlargement surgery that involves a simple circumcision of the foreskin to lengthen it by 2 centimeters. The event is held for hygiene purposes; many claim it prevents sexually transmitted diseases, including infectious diseases. The method takes approximately 15 minutes and can be performed at any age under local anesthesia.


With this method, the size of the reproductive organs increases, which is also important for full and vigorous sexual intercourse. These techniques mainly involve special injections and are considered minimally invasive.

fat filling

The procedure involves inserting the patient's fat cells, which have been processed and purified in specialized equipment, into the shaft of the penis with a fine needle.The effects last for several months, after which the injected tissue resolves on its own.The surgery is painless; local anesthesia with ointments and injections is used if necessary. Little to no recovery is needed.

microsurgical muscle transplantation

With this method, experts remove tissue from the patient's back muscles or armpits and implant them into the reproductive organs, where the nerve endings are restored to normal function. This is a complex and expensive method, but with effective work, enlarged and stimulation-sensitive organs can be obtained.
IMPORTANT: Always consult your doctor and get a thorough diagnosis before choosing a specific technique.